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Our Beliefs

Stated below are teachings from the Bible that we highly value and that summarize our faith. It is our doctrinal statement in language that we would share with someone on the street or our neighbor next door. 

The Bible

It’s the most amazing love story ever written. In it, God tells us about Himself, about us, and about how He’s the only one Who can bring us into a satisfying relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ.

The Godhead

Our Awesome God enjoys eternal fellowship with Himself in the persons of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He created us not to fill a void of loneliness with Himself but that we might enjoy fellowship with them.

The Creation and Fall of Man

God created us as His masterpieces. He designed us to have a very special fellowship with Him that would honor Him and make us happy. But this relationship was severed when Adam, the representative of all the human race, chose his own rebellious way rather than God’s perfect and good will, leaving all of us in need of a Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only one Who can bring forgiveness and restore our love relationship with God.

The Person of Jesus Christ

He is truly the lover of our soul, Who, being fully God, became a true man, lived a sinless life, and died a horrible death in order to redeem His own and bring them into a love relationship with Him.

The Work of Jesus Christ

Jesus is the good news. Here’s why: God the Father sent Jesus His Son into a world of messed up people. He came to make forgiveness possible and to fill us with His life – a life of purpose, meaning, happiness, and power. This is possible because He became a man, lived the life we all should live and paid all the punishment we deserve. He opens the door of heaven for God to flood us with every spiritual and eternal blessing.

The Exaltation of Jesus Christ

The same Jesus Who offered Himself on the cross as a perfect sacrifice for our sins continues His priestly ministry from heaven’s throne with the same passion and same love in the way He prays for us, sympathizes with us, and comes alongside us. Our High Priest, seated on Heaven’s throne, is everything we need Him to be.

The Return of Jesus Christ

His final return is just as certain as His first coming. And how we respond to His first coming will determine God’s response to us at His Second Coming. To those who know Him and His love, He is coming back to bring them into an even greater and eternal happiness with Him. Those who reject Him will experience eternal separation from Him.

The Work of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit plants God’s life, love, and desires in believers when He makes their heart His home. The Holy Spirit applies the redemption Jesus accomplished on the cross. He gives spiritual gifts to His people so they can be used to build up other believers and advance God’s message and mission throughout the earth.


Anyone, anywhere, at any time who trusts Jesus to forgive their sins and give them eternal life has been brought at once into a growing relationship with Him that lasts forever.

The Local Church

God knows the power people can have in our lives. He wants His people to find and experience connection, support, corporate worship, relationship, and encouragement in a community setting with each other. It’s through the local body of believers that Jesus’ truth and love is made known to the world.


Everyone is going to live somewhere forever. God speaks of heaven as a place that continues to get better and better in love and happiness. He also speaks of a place called hell where life will only continue to get worse in misery and regret.

The Gospel

The greatest message we can hear in our life is the Gospel. It declares all that Jesus has done for us to bring us into a love relationship with God now and forever. It also includes all that we are and have inherited through Him. We want to see this good news proclaimed in our communities and throughout the world so that more and more people enjoy God and experience His love and happiness. God designed us to delight in being involved in something bigger than ourselves and the Gospel truly gives us that opportunity.

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